Tunes from Brittany
5 tunes from the Celtic part of France
More Tunes from Brittany
Rond St Vincent, Rond de Loudéac, Baleu de Loudéac
From Spanish New Mexico
Mi Suegra Aprietan Mis Botas, La Cuadrilla, Valse Emiliano
Tunes of Winter
Cold Frosty Morning (waltz and reel), 8th of January, 28th of January, Warm & Snug
Great Scale Tunes
Reel de Montreal, Miss Shepherd, Spootiskerry, Auld Lang Syne (original)
Tunes for Learning By Ear
The Brolum, Behind the Haystack, Midnight on the Water
Nancy, Crossing the Minch (McNab’s), Staten Island
Tunes for Ornamentation
Dargai, Cluny Castle, Morrison’s JIg, Peter Davidson
Growly Tunes
Growling Old Man and Grumbling Old Woman, Tam Lin, Perthshire Hunt
D & Dm Jigs
Haste to the Wedding, Top of Cork Road, Sailor’s Wife
Marches in 4/4, 2/4, 3/4
Fr John Angus Rankin’s March, 24th Guards Brigade at Anzio, Lochanside
Holiday Tunes
Christmas Day, New Year’s Night
Eclectic Workshops!
Click below for audio & details
English Tunes
Juice of Barley, Childgrove, Irish Lamentation
Spooky Tunes!
Warlocks, Banshee, Halloween
Each Little Thing, Down the Brae, St Joseph’s, Cavars of Kirkcudbright
Marches & Polkas
Skinner Compliments to Dr MacDonald, Glencoe Bridge March, Denis Murphy’s, Laeg di Maw
Slow Airs
Young Catherine, Bonnie Lass of Headlake, Mrs Jamieson’s Favorite
Higher Position Tunes
Pointe au Pic, MacArthur’s Road, Highland Jig
Valentine Tunes
My Love’s But a Lassie Yet, I Lost My Love, Faded Love
Flowing Tunes
Tripping Up Stairs, Laura’s Slow Reel, King of the Fairies
Variations (reels & waltz)
Mason’s Apron, Rosemary Brown, Devil’s Dream/De’il Amang the Tailors
3/4s - Mazurkas/Polskas
Drunk at Night and Dry in the Morning, Karis Pers, Michael’s Mazurka
Beautiful Sleepy Tunes
Josefin’s, The Sleeping Tune, Boo Baby Lullaby
Modern Traditional Tunes
Penobscot Memory, Kievelle, Nordal Rumba
Norwegian Tunes
Vals, Reinlender frå Frosta, Steffen Henningsgård